Storehouse - The iOS App

January 19, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

I loved the experience of it overall.  Fluid, simple, and very dynamic.  I just finished playing around with an iOS application (iPad only - sorry iPhone users!) called Storehouse.  It's a beautifully-rendered app that allows you to create a visual story using video, text and photos.  I admit, as a first pass, it was a little cumbersome for me but that's because a lot of my media (read: all of it) was obtained from a dSLR camera and then archived on my Windows desktop while I'm currently working off of a Mac laptop.  Having multiple machines introduces complexity to my workflow...  This would be a great app if I did everything from the iPad from video to still photos.  

Storehouse allows you to grab media (videos and still photos) from cloud services like Flickr, Instagram, and Dropbox and add them into a blog-like interface.  I was just giving a speech on strong visual storytelling to my Toastmasters club the day right before Storehouse came on the iOS scene - I'm taking it as a sign that I had to try the app out.  I'm very happy I did.  Once you add media to your Story, Storehouse allows you to crop photos and arrange their layout on your iPad's screen through the drag n' drop interface.  This photo too big?  That one not big enough?  Want them side-by-side?  Just drag, drop, adjust.  Really easy.

Now, all that said, I had a couple of gripes about Storehouse:
  • Adding text can be a little frustrating at times.  You can add text called "Headers" and you can add text called "Normal".  Obviously Normal text is meant to be used for the body.  When adding text, it's difficult to determine where the resulting text box will end up.  Sometimes, it will appear before the previous line of text and sometimes it will end up after the previous line of text.  After your new text is added, it's really easy to just move the entire block of text to where you want it (literally drag n' drop) but you have to get over the initial frustration/confusion of why the text you added isn't showing up where you'd expect it.

  • Adding video clips to your Story can be a bit annoying, especially if your video has audio (and what video generally doesn't).  While you're in edit mode, both video and audio continually play in an endless loops while the video is visible on screen.  Both pause/stop when the video is off your iPad screen.  I ended up adding the video at the very end when I was done with everything else to stop the looping.

Those two gripes aside, I would still highly recommend trying out Storehouse if you're a content creator and have access to an iPad.  Interested? Click the big logo in the middle!  I don't receive any financial gain by you clicking the link (I promise!).  Just trying to do a public service to the ever-growing community of visual storytellers!  Have a great day and keep sharing those stories!


If you're interested in reading the Story I put together, you can check it out here!



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